3 Frequently Asked Questions About Concrete Slab Cutting Services

The main reason why people make cuts on concrete is to control where cracking will occur as concrete shrinks. But to make the perfect saw cuts, you must know how, when, and where to do it. But get better results when you leave the job to professional concrete slab cutting services. Otherwise, you might end up messing up the entire project for lack of skills. On top of that, you also need the right gear to shield your entire body. So, here are answers to a few questions you might have about the entire concrete cutting process. 

How Should You Do It And How Deep Should The Cut Be?

When determining the technique to make perfect saw cuts on concrete, you must first know the slab's thickness, length, and base type. Additionally, you need to analyze the curing technique. Once you have those details, it is time to mark the slabs using a chalk line. Then, depending on the cutting technique, you will be using, ensure that the cut is deep enough while following the marks you made. 

Ensure the blade is steady, and if the concrete has heavy rebar, the blade should have soft metal segment bonds. To know how deep into the slab you should go, first consider the thickness of the slab. Then, based on your findings, make a sizeable cut on the concrete. 

When Should You Make The Cut?

A few factors determine when to make concrete cuts: the weather, the mix, the hardness, and the equipment you will be using. For example, if the concrete mix is not dry enough, the concrete will ravel. And if you are using the wrong saw, the blade will wear out, especially if you push it too hard or use high speeds. 

On the other hand, if you wait too long to cut, the concrete will crack when curing. Generally, the timing depends on the weather. For example, you have to wait longer for the concrete to dry well on a cold day. So unless you are a professional, hire concrete slab cutting services if you do not know the correct hardness. 

Where Should You Cut?

To avoid making any mistakes, you need to know where to make the cuts. Ideally, you should start from the middle of the column lines. Then, based on the concrete thickness, make the correct spacing, which a structural engineer must approve. Next, consider tips like forming square shapes and making continuous cuts. Also, avoid areas with non-stop steel reinforcement.

All these instructions might be a little confusing to someone who has never done it before. If you are not sure of what you are doing, hiring concrete slab cutting services is best. In return, you will prevent additional costs and time wastage. 
